Lyrics Toby Lightman

Toby Lightman


I'm always taking my time to fall in love

Usually fall behind

I'm always making up lies

To drift away, get you out of my mind

And yes I know it's not ok

To close my eyes to love this time

Why am I competing,

when I know I should let you in

cause you'll just keep defeating me until I let

you win my heart

Your love has taken down my guard

Now on your love I'm tripping

For your love I'm slipping

With your love I'm drifting

With your love

You should know it's not like me

to give my heart away so easily

And you should know I can't always be

wearing my soul on my sleeve

I'm know when I'm dreaming

All I dream of is me and you

So why do I keep reaching for something more to

hold onto when I fall

You love has taken down my walls

Oh it's not like me to give my heart so easily

Oh I can't always be wearing my soul on my sleeve

Hey I'm taking my time, fall in love or fall behind

Hey I'm making up lies, drifting away..