A story of courage and love.
In the ocean I will wait.
Drowned soul no man.
I wll fight for whats mine.
In my sights I can deal with you.
I can't look back.
I can't look down.
I can't look up.
My swords thrown down.
Take your bad breath take your bad jokes,
leave here so fast so fast you choke
can't be true can't be wise can't be great hypnotized.
I have won you have lost burning faith feel the cross
and it stays with you and it burns in you acid burns
for you you can bleed on me please just shit on me
while your fucking me can't get rid of steve makes me puke
makes me die hurts so bad I wanna die
I return to earth to take my throne to take my name back
as your lord I say what way you live until I say so rain
rain down above crash down so hard can't feel
the downpour I an empty man an empty plan
I feel so desperate when the time has come for me to leave
I'll make my way home last the time has come to lead this world to take what
I've won in the time it takes for me to say that I can't stand you
you'll regret your birth and what I've done to your family inside
this molten man this hollow earth that I came from shun
what you've learned remember where you came from bind
your heart and mind use your hand not your fist man strength
real goddamn strength comes from love not hate man free
I am free I'm gonna live the way
I want to I will not stand and be taken can't you hear what
I say I came to town and sold you a slave but you could care less
the kindness I've shown you could bear less and let the truth be shown
I don't wanna worry but I'm worried about today
I don't wanna hurry but its you that acts ashamed every fucking dollar that
I really fucking need working like a robot can't afford to even bleed
in the heart of silence the peace can't be restored in the eye of violence
the children that I mourn train the act of violence its you that should
be warned I prey an act of violence its you that I reward and now
I play the vi olin to soothe the open sore it sounds so clear and
pure I think I'm gonna cum you know I think your mean I think
you're fucking scum you're gonna take a fall a really heavy fall lazy
your a dog not a man not an ant can't be had I'm so glad wish
you were me not alone truth has been restored and here
I stand my dead nightmare faith has been adorned as a vest
that will end this power true raw power has a price
I won't hurt you twice the achs and pains in my back that
I live through fly fly far away don't look back don't come home
go go far away where I said that I would find you cuts
through bullshit weed em right out stress him he can take it
deny yourself the blame don't be the game that they are playing