Lyrics Todd Snider

Todd Snider

In The Beginning

In the beginning, man wondered to himself:

Why, oh why are we here?

And yet, with each asking of this question

the answer would become even less clear

Overwhelmed by fear, distraction took its place

And so it was, in the world’s first shelter

That we began the human race

The human race to fill up more and more empty space

Oh, how we loved, the human race

Until one day this one guy said to this other guy, he said:

Hey, have you seen that guy over there?

He’s got more than everybody else has got

To me, that don’t seem fair

Well, the second guy agreed with the first guy

Everybody else did too

Til they all got so worked up, they figured

there was something they just had to do:

Divide his things up among each other

After they killed him of course

They could see no real good reason not to just

Take what they wanted by force

When they found him he said:

Hey, wait a minute fellas, I wouldn’t kill me just now

You can see that I’ve got more than any of you

Have ever got, wouldn’t you first at least like to know how?

And with that, he had their attention

And with that, he went on loud and clear, he said:

You all know how long we’ve all wondered

Why, oh why are we here?

Well today I’m gonna tell ya all about it

I’m gonna teach ya about sufferin’ and bliss

I’m gonna teach y’all a little bout Heaven and Hell

And the God that gave me all this

God gave me this because I’m humble

And he can do the same for you too

But if you’re seekin’ his love and affection

What you’re doin’ is the last thing I’d do

He sends killers to hellfire, both here and eternally

The good live forever in a place called Heaven

God told me this personally

Who you gonna trust if you can’t trust me?

So unless you want suffering and heartache

Unless you want trouble and fear

You better find some kinda way to humble yourself

May I suggest helpin’ me clean up around here?

‘Course I could pay ya a little bit a money

But more importantly God would see

And if He sees you workin’ humbly

Some day he may give you what he’s given me

Well the crowd just didn’t know what to do with that

Nor could they prove what he said wasn’t true

And since he had what everyone else thought they wanted

It seemed like the thing to do

And with that we rolled into the future

And ain’t it a son of a bitch

To think that we would still need religion

To keep the poor from killin’ the rich?

Who are you gonna trust if you don’t trust me?