I Lost My Heart on a 747

I lost my heart

On a 747

Halfway to heaven

Passing over Des Moines

Her looks were smart

I met her in the aisle

She gave me her smile

I knew our futures we’d join

There in the middle of a spicy movie

Starring Natalie Wood

We made our vows together

Cutting our steaks as best we could

My love

Removed her earphones

And told me in her dear tones

She had to powder her nose

She pushed and shoved

Through a dozen stewardesses

Handing out their addresses

And a-straightening their hose

Time flew

I knew something had gone wrong

Where was my love

She’d been gone too long

I searched

But I couldn’t find Diana

When we landed in Havana

Not a trace could I see

I asked around

Interest couldn’t have been keener

And everyone had seen her

And she was looking for me

Knocking madly on the powder room doors

Tears were in my eyes

Excepting three or four masculine roars

I heard no answering cries

I searched

And I must have looked for hours

‘Til Kennedy tower

Gave permission to land

Farewell to the future we planned

Fighting madly in the baggage claim

Just like World-War Two

I thought I heard her calling my name

But I lost my love and my baggage, too

She’s gone

Now we’ll never fly united

A promise unrequited

No future to join

Our love

Is on a 747

Halfway to heaven

Passing over Des Moines