Lyrics Tom T. Hall

Tom T. Hall

Watergate Blues

McGovern said, "Boys, I think I'm gonna run

Got a lot of work to be done in Washington"

He talked to the poor folks, the blacks and the youth

Humphrey said, "George, I think you gonna lose"

He said, "I want that job myself"

There was Kennedy and Wallace and Muskie in mind

McGovern couldn't seem to get his ducks all in line

Somebody shot Wallace in Jackson he cried

Muskie might have made it but he broke down and cried

I'll tell you boys, it's a hard life

But down in Miami McGovern got it all

A strange-lookin' bunch of folks inside convention hall

McGovern said, "I need someone to carry the South

They picked poor Tom Eagleton but folks found him out

That liberal press, they gotta know it all

Well, McGovern took Shriver and he started to run

Sarge said, "Eunice, let's have a little fun"

They ran into trouble almost everywhere they went

There was a big commitee to elect the President

I'll tell you now, they were a smooth group

Well, they broke into Watergate and tapped people's phones

The FBI and CIA would not leave folks alone

The people in the White House were burstin' with pride

When the votes were all counted it was a big landslide

The USA bought a new used car

Russia and Vietnam and China were cool

The American press, they could not find any news

So they dug into Watergate and the further they went

It seemed as if they might just run into the President

You know it was a big shock

Where there was Haldeman and Gray and Mitchell and Dean

A whole lot of folks were shakin' on the White House scene

They patched up the cracks but the dam broke loose

Watergate was all you could read in the news

And Dicky said, "that's news to me"

But there's Lincoln and Roosevelt and Truman and Ike

All turnin' over in their graves every night

And somehow my mind goes back to Betsy Ross

Nobody knows what this country has lost

I will repeat, it's a hard life

Well, somewhere in this country there's a hard-workin' man

Readin' his paper as he tries to understand

Are there no honest people left anymore?

One might well heed hear a poundin' on his door

If it gets that way, Lord help us all