Lyrics Tom Tom Club

Tom Tom Club

This Is A Foxy World

Hey boy, what you goin' to do

Now you see the world from my point of view

Hey boy, forget what you know

Get down under the far below

Do you see that you are in

Foxy fox's foxy den

Watch out how you play with her

Mind that you don't rumple her fur

Hey boy, do you really care

Can I really trust you to be fair

Hey boy, tell me if it's real

Promise to be honest about what you feel

You have found the center of

Female devotee of love

Making love's an easy task

With respect is all that she asks

Hey boy, what's it gonna be

Freedom for the sexes full equality

Hey boy, what do you say

Equal work gets equal pay

Pride is keeping us apart

Love is all that cuts to the heart

Keep him by being a friend

Who can tell how well it will end