Lyrics Tommy McClennan

Tommy McClennan

Blues Trip Me This Morning

Now, the blues grabbed my both legs Sunday mornin'

The chair near throwed me down

The blues grabbed my bootleg this mornin'

A chair near throwed me down

Lord, I wouldn't hate it so bad

But the news ain't good all over town

Now, look-a-here, baby

Yeah, where did you stay last night?

Look-a-here, babe

Where'd you stay last night?

Oh, when you come home

You know you wadn't smellin' just right

I had a blue 'bout that, baby

On one Sunday morn'

I had blues 'bout that, baby

On one Sunday morn'

Lord, I hate to hear my baby

Way in the night when she groans

Look-a-here, mama

I ain't 'on fools wit' you no mo'

'Take yo' time, play your blue right'

Look-a-here, mama

Fool wit' you no mo'

Well, ev'rytime I fool wit' you

You've got to make me love you mo' and mo'

Now, my babe got something

Never told what it is

My baby, she got something

I ain't never told what it is

Ev'ry time that polka, shakes an' shimmy

Lord knows, I can't be still