Lyrics Tommy McClennan

Tommy McClennan

Down To Skin And Bones

I say, my little woman

Got me down to skin an bone

I say, my little woman

Got me down to skin an bone

She done got me to the place

I hate to see my baby leave home

Now, she leave me early mo'nin

She don't come home 'till night


She leave me early in the mo'nin

Don't come home 'till night

She know, I know, she done somethin'

Wer'n't 'llowed when she know it ain't right

(in there)

Hmm, think because I love you

Hmm, gon' be yo' dog

Don't think because I love you

I'm gon' be yo' dog

I'll drink muddy water

An I'll roost in a hollow log

(end at 2:30)

Hmm, ain't know why I should

Hmm-hmm, don't know whys I should

'Cause you go wit' ev'ry man

In around the neighborhood

'Play it right, now'

(guitar to end)

