

Things move so fast and I can't stop them

Things move so fast and I can't stop them from moving

There's building swaying in the wind

Would you believe, it was just from passing them by

Things are moving so fast

So I keep on moving, and moving on

You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep up

Keep on moving on

You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep on

Keep on moving on


I'm so lost inside my head

There's so many thoughts to contemplate

So many ways to move

And I don't know what to do with myself sometimes

So, I start reading the lines on my hands

And then I remember that fate is just a bullshit excuse for failure

Keep thinking you've got time

But there's not enough of it to spend to those you owe

And when they call collect

You still won't get the world to slow down

Things are moving so fast

So fast

So I keep on moving, and moving on

You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep up

Keep on moving on

You know I keep on moving, and moving on, to keep on

Keep on moving on

Keep treading; keep Moving on

Because time will fight against you

Because time will fight hard against you; work against you

Keep on moving, cause time is coming 'round