Lyrics Toni Childs

Toni Childs

Heaven's Gate

A man I met in my youth

Came to me in the light of truth

Beautiful dream that was

Till he died one rainy fall

There I was a child bride

Widowed at nineteen, defied

Never would I let him go

Go to the place that Heaven knows

On the evening of his death

My shoulders felt a brushing breath

Cold were his hands on my breast

The man that I loved and put to rest

He came to me and held me close

We danced till dawn in the early snow

There I felt him cry and cry

I'll never leave, leave your side

Oh, the madness

This town thinks I'm mad

Sixty years, has it been a dream?

This man I'm haunted by, I see

I'm eighty years and on my bed

Awaiting death, that final breath

He sits by and looks to me

Soon you will come and be with me

Now, I feel all warm inside

As I leave this mortal body behind

Seems it is eternal's way

We're waltzing into Heaven's gate