Roller Coaster

Ain't it such a trip this thing?

Don't it make you wanna sing?

And I ain't talkin' 'bout the blues

Straight into the rising sun

Temple to a loaded gun

Heads you win, tails you lose

All for the pure intoxication

It's the feeling of this ride we're on

It's making me crazy

Like a roller coaster we've been on too long

Round and round we go again

Upside down and back again

Confusion always gets the best of me

Knuckles turning red to white

Courage puttin' up a fight

As passion feeds upon the rest of me

Desperate for pure intoxication

It's the feeling of this ride we're on

It's making me crazy

Like a roller coaster we've been on too long

I guess that's the way it has to be

Until you let go you won't be free

La da da da

La da da da

La da da da da da da

It's the feeling of this ride we're on

It's making me crazy

Like a roller coaster we've been on too long

Tell you now...

It's the feeling of this ride we're on

It's making us crazy

Like a roller coaster we've been on too long