Lyrics Tony Martin

Tony Martin

The Kids Of Today (don't Understand The Blues)

What’s this, I can’t tell

The kind of music that makes me mad

I don’t want it, not this

I can’t stand it, get it off my deck

I don’t need this sound

I don’t like it playing in my car

I can’t drive with this

It’s not gonna take me very far

Tuned down, turned up

Flashed out on a Marshall stack

I survived on stuff like that

Fast songs, fast life

Fast women never slowed me down

Boy bands, girl bands

Mass creation for a tired land

Tuned down, turned up

Flashed out on a Marshall stack

I survived on stuff like that

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

They don’t understand the blues

Beat bop, hip hop, r ‘n’n b and all that jazz

Fake world, take mine

Those who haven’t, and those who have

Tuned down, turned up

Flashed out on a Marshall stack

I survived on stuff like that

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

They don’t understand the blues

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

The kids of today they don’t understand

They don’t understand the blues

They don’t understand