Life Is...Too Short

I remember how it all began

I used to sing dirty raps to my East Side fans

Back then I knew ya couldn't stop this rap

No M.C. could rock like that

Then the new style came, the bass got deeper

Ya gave up the mike and bought you a beeper

Do ya wanna rap or sell coke?

Brothers like you ain't never been broke

People wanna say it's just my time

Brothers like me had to work for mine

Eight years on the mike and I'm not jokin'

Sir Too Short comin' straight from Oakland

California, home of the rock

Eight woofers in the trunk, beatin' down the block

Short dog, I'm that rappin' man

I said it before and I 'll say it again

Life is too short

Too short

Life is too short

Life is to some people unbearable

Committin' suicide and that's terrible

Was it much too much or nothing' big?

If ya live my life, you'd be fightin' to live

Life is to me my main asset

I be doin' all right and keep it just like that

Chill out at the house and pump that bass

I'm tryin' to get rich as I rock the place

Everybody's got that same old dream

To have big money and fancy things

Drive a brand new Benz, keep your banck right here

Never hear me stutter once because I talk real clear

It's on you, homeboy, watcha gonna do?

You can take my advice and start workin', fool

Or you can close your ears and run your mouth

And one day, homeboy, ya soon find out

Life is too short

Too short

Life is too short

Life is too short, would you agree?

While I'm livin' my life, don't mess with me

It's been a long time, baby, since I first got down

But I still keep makin' these funky sounds

Cause I don't stop rappin', that's my theme

I make a lot of money, do you know what I mean?

Like this, complicated ya must stay up

Ya asked a simple question boy, don't say "What?"

Ya only live once and ya callin' it hell

Policeman tryin' to take ya to jail

You could give a man time but you don't know

I a matter of time, I'll be runnin' the show

Now another young buck wants to be on top

Makin' big money, slangin' hop

The task force tryin' ta peel your cap

Turn around, homeboy, ya better watch your back

Life is too short

Too short

Life is too short

You can take back all the things you give

But ya can't take back the days you live

Life is to some peole who've been on earth

Livin' every single day for what it's worth

I live my life just how I please

Satisfy one person I know, that's me

Work hard for the things I achieve in life

And never rap fake when I'm on the mike

Cause if a dream is all you got, homeboy

Ya gotta turn that dream into the real McCoy

Not time to waste, just get on that case

Ya can't be down 'cause ya need to taste

A good life livin' like a king on a throne

Gettin' everything ya want and tryin' to have all your own

So life

Don't be stupid though

Cause when ya waste it, you'll know

Life Is

Life Is

All right, that's it