
A doctor and her lover settled in a Ratcliff home

Taking day trips to Bolinas, they can barely see the road

She says, "My meeting's cancelled, in the morning we'll stay

So baby, please wait"

Let me give you a hug until this easing's light touch your eyes

Or at least until the song finishes and we still try to sing along

Rock and roll is here to stay

A boy who sings about how he's in a squeeze

Ends up with oranges and an unused degree

She wears those earrings almost every day

Trapeze shapes

Everything seems so simple, you can't tell if it's basically fake

Scenes from uptake

Cars on the edge passing him off to hell

Let me give you a hug until this easing's light touch your eyes

Or at least until the song finishes and we still try to sing along

Rock and roll is here to stay