Lyrics Torture Killer

Torture Killer

The Book Of Dying World

IT'S HERE... the prophecy of world collapsing

The final downfall of man

The stench of tolerance becomes unbearing

The final stage is at hand

Regain control of history impending

I have a right to murder

The end will justify the means - believe me, I will be forgiven...

Time for intervention, crucify the traitors

Forced elimination... your scream fades out when I nail your coffin

Killing you will be the first step to right direction

Decisive will to eliminate, the traitors of this nation

Morals of false prophecy, brought us to this wasteland

In disgust what we've become, and you're the fucking reason!

Submitted and disgraced on a path you made us walking

The book of dying world you insist on writing

You are a pestilence, you are a fucking cancer

Your ways will sink us all and I can't let that happen