Lyrics Torture Squad

Torture Squad

The Beast Within

Look inside the mirror

And tell me what you see

A beast within screaming

Into your mind, it wants to get free

You're locked in your addictions

Bad thoughts leave you ill

Schizophrenia is ruling

And turning your life unreal

Hear...voices are calling you're really under my spell

Uncontrollable wish to surrender

To this strange purple haze

Desire for loss of control

Hallucinations open the gates

You're deaf to my advice

A bad person is possessing you

Under that confusing mind

You hit the roof

Hear...voices are calling you're really under my spell

Feel...chaos makes you insane stop your confused inner self!


Feeling my heart exploding in critical palpitations

Like sand in the hourglass my life is draining

To the end

Under the effects of addiction, sanity is gone


For your security I'm warning you

Leave me alone!
