Lyrics Touch of Eternity

Touch of Eternity

Frozen Steps

I'm the night

The darkest of the souls

You're the day

That withers out my hopes

I'm a crow

Always causing a trouble

You're a dove

Flying harmlessly around

I'm alone

A lonely-parted thug

You're alive

You're not one but you're two

The burden of fragile life

The burden of dark and light

The curtain has fallen

We remain in those frozen steps

While I'm the sand

A sea of little shards

You're the stone

A You and nothing more

And we are two

Never to unite as one

While we try

We both die from inside

The burden of fragile life

The burden of dark and light

The curtain has fallen

We remain in those frozen steps

Can we take the burden?

Can we outlast the problems?

Are we to live united?

Can we take the burden?