Lyrics Touch of Eternity

Touch of Eternity

Mine Are My Kingdoms

Oh dear mother it's a hopeful dawn

Hear the wind: Silent is its tongue

My arms are weak, I am set to fall

Here's my humble message: Thank you for all

Only if I could change a night or two

Change the winds of winter into a blow

You thought a hero of me

You soothed away the tears

Said; "Son you'll wear a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"

In the dawn of misty tide

From the start to end of time

"You son will hold a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"

Dear mother I'll have my thrown;

I've been set to hold my crown

King's soul is fragile - ready for a fall

The gates are open: Thank you for all!

Only if I could change a night or two

Change the winds of winter into a blow

You thought a hero of me

You soothed away the tears

Said; "Son you'll wear a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"

In the dawn of misty tide

From the start to end of time

"You son will hold a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"

The gates are open

A journey is to begin

I was no noble

Not a hero, not a kind

But once the dusk greets me

I'll be the one singing

You thought a hero of me

You soothed away the tears

Said; "Son you'll wear a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"

In the dawn of misty tide

From the start to end of time

"You son will hold a crown

A crown for yours are your kingdoms"