Lyrics Touché Amoré

Touché Amoré

I'll Be Your Host

Pin a pink ribbon on to join the pain brigade

Our numbers are impressive - I'm afraid

We know the end of every story

Either one way or the other

There's no fun in guessing

There's no fun at all

I'll be your host

I'll be your host

Against my will

Pin a black ribbon on, we're the mourning campaign

I didn't ask to lead this party - I explain

I'll float through your city, with my blinders up

It's not what I would have chosen

It's not what I want at all

I'm a shell of my former self

Can you tell when I'm panicking?

I'm a shell of my former self

Can you tell when I'm babbling?

I'll be your host

I'll be your host

Against my will

Against my will

At what point, is enough enough?

I don't want this role, I give it up

It's not enough

I'll be your host

I'll be your host

Against my will

Against my will