Lyrics Touché Amoré

Touché Amoré

Just Exist

I was once asked how I'd like to be remembered

And I simply smiled and said “I'd rather stay forever.”

It was possibly, my loudest cliche

But felt better than, just walking away

I don't know what my legacy will be

A song, some words I wrote, or a kid I'll never see

All of these things scare me half to death

I'll suffer the day just hoping for the best

But that's not to say I don't think that all of this can change

But that's not to say I won't wake up some day

With a lion's pride that I'm going to be okay

If again I'm asked how I'd like to be remembered

Next time I'll be better prepared for the answer

But you'll never know much of the truth

So I'll just exist. It's all I can do

So much to consider and too much to grasp

To swallow mortality is enough of a task and

Leaving your mark is just too much to ask

I'll just bow my head and leave out the back