Besprinkled in Scarlet Horror

Words verbose, gory to what end do they serve?

Or images vivid scarlet horrors absurd

Of shrieking sounds that evoke the legions of hell

The notes that you choose and the beats that you sell

You're not giving all the glory to Him

Because your artwork depicts a severed limb

And all the people buy into your deceit

Because you're keeping way too frantic a beat

They said to Bach three hundred years ago

"You work in the church there's something you should know

We hired you to write music that glorifies

But theses toccatas and fugues just simply horrify"

He said, "they're simply notes put together in bars

And why you think that's wrong I just throw up my arms"

Eviscerate words that evoke emetic thoughts

Dissect and discard what speaks of corpses in rot

The leprous stumps of the sick and the lame

The stoning of Stephen, Job's scab covered frame

And John the Baptist - a head on a platter

Remove this gorefest - why should it matter?

You say this pace beckons evil spirits

But I care not what you call it

To me it's two hundred beats per minute

On tablature I scrawled it

If you arrived at the site

Of Calvary's scarlet fright

Would fears have made your feet take flight

And turn away from our Lord's plight