No Soul

Hung up on semantics - what’s in a word

Draw a hard line in the sand I have heard

Take the word “soul” we all know what it means

But maybe, just maybe it ain’t what it seems

Humans the master race that's what we are

Animals and creatures, beneath us by far

Souls, they don't have one, so I’ve been told

Subservient to us cuz that is their role

So much we share with them, easy to see

Like they all long, long to be free

To seek out the things we all want to live by

Their freedom we should

never deny, never deny

Can they not suffer

Do they not want to live

Are they so different – are we being fair

To exclude them from care

Can they not feel the warmth of the sun upon their faces

And do they not love and guard their young just as we do

And do they not fear violence, like human beings do

Can they not suffer

Do they not want to live

Are we so different – are we being fair

To exclude them from care