Swarming Spirits

Two spirits call my name

One from glory one from shame (1 JN 4:1-6)

burning different flames (Heb 12:29, Matt 25:41)

I must believe I am receiving true words of light of the Christ

(Matt 16:15-17)

Swarms of Legions (Matt 26:53)

Swarms of demons (Matt 12:43)

Swarms at war today (Eph 6:12, Du 10:12-13)

Swarms to kill men (Luke 9:39)

Swarms to bless them (Heb 1:14)

Swarms that some obey (Col 2:18)

The Bible speaks of prayer

for those who have the faith to dare

Jesus Christ is there (Heb 11:1)(1 Peter 3:12)

Swarms of Angels

Swarms of Devils

Swarms surrounding me

Swarms to kill men

Swarms to bless them

Swarms that we can't see (Heb 13:2)