4 Guys

There are four guys in our band

Well I'm the only sister

Yeah, sometimes they're teasing me

Calling me mum or Mister

There are four guys in our band

Really stand up guys

But don't trust them, little girls!

They're masters of white lies

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay

There are four guys in our band

Kidding with each other

In the fog of "Demi Brut“

Forget to call me mother

If we're watching DVDs

In our tuned-up van

Cloverfield is not a film

Where I'd press "Play", man

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay

They are four and I am one

First is mine, second is digger

Third is mellow and fourth?

Just don't play "Truth or Dare" with him

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay

Oh boys, you found me

Don't go away, please stay