Count Ten

Count ten

One to the two

Two to the three

I love that

Quiet place

Small as a pea

It hides in

Four to the five

Five to the six

Behind your

Eyes there’s a point

Where I wanna fix

Count ten

Small as a pea

Hides in you

Don’t wanna go there but

It forces me to

I’m happy with myself

Don’t need you man

But when you look at me

I’m tremblin‘ goddamn!

It’s not that

You are so beautiful

It’s not that

You are so smart and cool

It’s not that you are my only clue

But I wanna be loved by you

Count ten

Five to the six

Six to the seven

You make me

Feel like a feather

Up in the heaven

It’s fallin

Eight to the nine

Nine to the ten

Right to this

Warm open arms

Arms of my man

I know that

You do not care at least

I know that

You’re not domestic beast

I know that

You’ve never told me truth

But I wanna be loved by you