
(Willcox / Bogen / Bush / Francis)

We are the mummies of Mexico

We live in a glass house.

We are the mummies of Mexico.

We live in our glass house

Among Guanajuato,

Mexico, Mexico...

Forgive my begging lunacy,

We crave identity –

Forgive my begging lunacy,

We crave identity.

Our faces have grown so thin.

Our skins are cold to touch,

Our minds are twice as wise

As they have ever been.

My bones crave identity,

Our remains float on your memory,

Tormented voices through the skirting board of

Mexico, Mexico...

Forgive my begging lunacy,

We crave identity –

Forgive my begging lunacy,

We crave identity.

We are the mummies of Guanajuato,

We are all asleep.

Only Guanajuato knows what happened here.
