Our Movie

(Willcox / Bogen / Bush)

Let my light blast a shadow into the trees

Be my tall black ghost moved by the breeze

We'll shine our movie into the sky

Watch this world like a vast green eye

I'm walking in a garden

The plot grows

Walking in a garden where a Christmas tree grows

Standing at the foot of a brook

The pregnant mare smiles and moves so slow

She is so amazing

I can feel her foal grow

She is so amazing

Strike a match, light a cigarette

Turn and go

Walking on the sands in the city of death

Dismembered bodies breathe dismembered breathe

Dancing on time in my mourning dress

Trapped in the void of eternal stress

I'm walking, I'm dying

What's this movie?

Walking on the sands in the city of death

Dismembered bodies breathe dismembered breathe

Dancing on time in my mourning dress

Trapped in the void of eternal stress


She is so amazing


Oh, my death

It'll be amazing.