Space Between The Sounds

The sounds are asleep

Motionless waters on a cobbled street

Entwined like the double helix

The silence speaks

Shady faded city lights

Dark, dark tinted nights

Alone in an orgy of peace

The silence speaks


Am the space between the sounds

Bathed in light

Am the space between the stars


Someone calls from across the street

Start the clock, start living again

And just as it starts to rain

The silence speaks


When dreams connect and visions finally meet

Reality fades and fantasy supercedes

Tomorrow's a memory we all wish to reprieve

Tomorrow's a memory we finally receive

Car on impact

The glass cracks

Flesh and bones make contact

Am the space between the sounds

Was like a child

Bathed in light

In a new world


Words took form from nowhere

Am the space

So I could understand

Between the sounds

The sublime, the obscure

Bathed in light

Was a child


Brought into a new world

Am the space

Without form

Between the sounds

Nothing to see

Bathed in light

Nothing to learn


No synchronicity

Am the space

Everything is one

Between the sounds

I'd become the space between the sounds

Bathed in light


And the space between the sound looks down

And regards his disregarded body in the wreckage