The Woman Who Had An Affair With Herself


Well it's like this

Hamlet said

"Get thee to a nunnery, go, farewell, or it thou will't needs marry, marry

a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. God

has given you one face and you make yourselves another. You jig, you amble

and you lisp and nickname God's creatures and make your wantonness your

ignorance. Go to: I'll no more on't: it hath made me mad. To a nunnery go"

(drink me)

To which Ophelia answered

"Oh what a noble mind is here o'erthrown"

There's this woman

>From the land beyond the shore line

The woman who had an affair

Cos her man's attentions were somewhere else

In the clouds

It all began with her image

She thought there was room to improve

To win the admiration

Of his wandering attentions

Instead she discovered part of herself she never knew of

The waves come

The effect that followed

Was like being thrown into the Hawaii surf

Oh the glory in the liking of herself

She was her own secret admirer

She gives herself gifts

Giving perpetuates

And this person is

Truly and faithfully hers alone

Roll over my feet

Every time she sees her glowing reflections

She's reminded of true devotion

But when a golden boy caught her eye

Jealously she felt from within

Instead of flirting with she ignored him

I descend the shore

She explores

She goes forward

And tries new ways

And when she's had enough

She tries new tastes

And if things get stale

With gentle consideration

She spits it all away

She's there

She cares

While down in the gutter pitter patter piss bile and ale

There's this woman

On the land beyond the shoreline

The woman who had an affair with herself

Cos her man's attentions were somewhere else

In the clouds

While she was being thrown into the Hawaii surf

Hawaii surf

Hawaii surf

Hawaii surf

And the waves drink me