Tribal Look

Make a tribal look

Take a tribal stance

Don't look back

Don't look back

It never stood a chance

Ooh - lo lay oh

Make a tribal look

Take a tribal stance

Charge into battle

Go on


What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

Make a tribal town

Take a tribal wife

Don't break laws

Don't break laws

You'll never stand a chance

Ooh - lo lay oh

Fight yourselves in battles

Go on


What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?

Roll over

Start again now

Don't look back

Don't ask why

It happens only once in a lifetime

Ooh - lo lay oh

Take your tribal wife

Make a tribal child

That's the tribal way

To lead a sllepy life

Ooh - lo lay oh

Go on, live your sleepy life now


What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

What's a why, why a wherefore

It's below me to say so

Roll over

No don't look down be careful

Don't look down

Don't look back

It's distasteful

This is the tribal way

You want to turn back

You want to survive

You've got to survive

The tribal way

Turn back today

It's the tribal way.