Been a long time


been a long time

I'm sittinhere waitin wonderinand thinkin慴out our life

where we gonna end up

so many of them don抰 understand how this thing goes

you can only take so much

sometimes I'm feelinlike I had enough

for all the times I feel like you're not up against me

anything to try and get me influence my mind

had me fightintoo long

such a long time


I thank the lord for making me a soldier

work on the corner every night gotta struggle and fight

I'm on time


so if it抯 just the cream that you go for

such a thin line

been such a long time

oh makinme kind of crazy just thinkin慴out

all the shit that you go through

just tryinto be you

listen to me now

so hard these days to find creative ways

for everybody to move they body

we free to speak but warned to watch what you say

I'm sayin feel like you抮e not up against me

anything to try to get me influence my mind

it's been such a long time

such a long time


I thank the lord for making me a soldier

work on the corner every night gotta struggle and fight

I'm on time


so if it抯 just the cream that you go for

such a thin line

been such a long time

so many waiting for something to happen it抯 crazy

dear lie, you抮e not up against me

anything to try to get me influence my mind

it's been such a long time

such a long time


I thank the lord for making me a soldier

work on the corner every night gotta struggle and fight

I'm on time


so if it抯 just the cream that you go for

such a thin line

it抯 been such a long time


I thank the lord for making me a soldier

work on the corner every night gotta struggle and fight

I'm on time


so if it抯 just the cream that you go for

such a thin line

such a long time


I thank the lord for making me a soldier

work on the corner every night gotta struggle and fight


So TQ, I listened to your first album, and now I heard the second one. I know

how I feel about it. But why don抰 you tell me what makes you different from

many other R&B male artists?

Huh, what makes me different? You probably can answer that as good as I can.

How that?

I mean, you see me right here, you see me on stage. It抯 the same thing. I

ain抰 gotta ?dial? in my hair with all kinds of funny colors and jump around

stage like some kind of asshole. I ain抰 gotta do none of that.

Is that right?

I ain抰 gotta dress all up, put make-up all on. All I gotta do is stay real

and deal with the issues that I deal with and my peoples deal with every day.

That real shit. That抯 what soul music is about.

Where you heard it for yourself. For all you fake-ass niggas listen and

learn. This is neighborhood reporting for Headbeat Magazine. Stay real.