The Forsaken

We left our lands mutilated

Now the tables have turned

No one will ever hear the cries of the homeless

An eye for an eye!

The earth is pleading for help

It will not go unheard

There must be balance and order

It will be restored

Our prayers will go unanswered

Our barricades will be shattered beyond repair,

beyond despair

We can only wait for the final curtain to fall

There will be no shelter,

the beaten can't lay down their bones

There will be no haven for the forsaken

The king must lose his crown and give away to a new rule

His minions will tear him apart and take away his throne

A fall from grace is what this rotten mankind needs

for the bleeding wounds we've inflicted to finally heal

Your god will be deaf to your pleas

Our barricades will be shattered beyond repair,

beyond despair

We can only wait for the final curtain to fall