Lyrics Tracy Bonham

Tracy Bonham


My stubborn skin

Is wearing thin

I beared my soul

You waltzed right in

I gave you everything

And you just made me feel so very


And I don't remember

How I let myself

Become so unraveled

I spilled my guts

On your best shoes

You keep it in

I let it loose

It's only love that makes me

Feel like getting so completely


And I don't remember

How I let myself

Become so unraveled

I'm naked

Pretty as a heartache

Waiting for my

second skin to settle in

Your hardened heart

Can't hide you now

It loves as much

As you allow

And in the end

The eyeball on me

Will just take you down

And you'll be


Nothing, but a heartache

And you know

There's nothing that can hide you now

You're naked

Pretty as a heartache

Going out exactly the way you came in