Lyrics Tracy Lawrence

Tracy Lawrence

Whole Lotta Me

I've been told many times that I lack commitment

That I run from responsibility

Only got one life and I'm gonna live it

Ain't nobody puttin' chains on me

Left some broken hearts in my rear view mirror

A couple that I'll love 'till my dying day

They always wanted more than I was willing to give 'em

So I'd just drift away

There's a whole lotta me I've got left to be

Places still to see people left to meet

There's towns yet to visit roads still to drive

Stars I haven't seen in a montana sky

Lotta me I've go left to be

Love still to make, dreams still to dream

There's years yet to conquer before I die

And things I still ain't tried

There's a whole lotta me

Now people have to make their own decisions

Most of them spend a lifetime with regret

But me I've found that hind sights 20/20..... I've seen plenty

Keep on searchin'..... I ain't through lookin' yet

There's a whole lotta me I've got left to be

Places still to see people left to meet

There's towns yet to visit roads still to drive

Stars I haven't seen in a montana sky

Lotta me I've go left to be

Love still to make, dreams still to dream

There's years yet to conquer before I die

And things I still ain't tried

There's a whole lotta me