Memories of a Rock N' Rolla

When I was a young boy

I lived for rock 'n' roll

Spent our time playing gigs

And traveling on the road

And we didn't have much money

And the gigs were sometimes rough

Playing music for the people

Seemed to be enough

And the music is so sweet

That it makes me tap my feet

And my mind is very high

I can almost touch the sky

Now I am a young man

Dressed in sparkling colored clothes

A country house and sixty acres

Are a heavy load

And we still have no money

But we have some nice things

Possession is, possessions are

The trait that money brings

And the snowflakes are so sweet

As they fall around our feet

And my mind is very high

I can almost feel the sky

Now I am an old man

Know exactly what to do

Never ask a question

Or ever give an answer to you

And when you pass me by

And you drop a penny in my hat

Don't feel sorry on my account

'Cause life can be like that

And the music is so sweet

That it makes me tap my feet

And my mind is very high

I can almost feel the sky

And the river rolls along

Like a never ever ending song

And the river rolls along

Like a never ever ending song