When the Eagle Flies

When the eagle flies you'd better watch your eyes

He's gonna sweep everything in his path

And when the heavens cry it's gonna drown the sky

And you'll get caught in the aftermath

When the mountains move it's no good trying

To prove that you've been doing everything you can

And don't you start to cry when you're about to die

You gotta stand up and take it like a man

Because you've been taking instead of giving

And all the while you've been living lies

Economics, all your atomics

Ain't gonna save you from that bird in the sky

And when the good times roll wrapped up in your mink coat

You will be stepping from your Cadillac

You will be stepping from your Cadillac

And in a micro flash you're gonna feel the lash

Of big eagle's wing across your back

And when the seas subside you'll see him glide right out of view

In clouds of snow the rains will come

And wash away the scum so that all the little flowers can grow

There'll be no more taking, only giving

And the sun pouring down

No economics and no atomics

Just the spread of Mother Nature's gown

Do you hear me, Mother Nature