Lyrics Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Back to a Reason (Part II)

Now that young girl, outside the store

Was trying to capture snow's magic

But each flake melted at her touch

Which her young mind found quite tragic

And while chasing an elusive snowflake

That was determined to reach the ground

She bumped into the businessman passing by

And nearly knocked him down

And thinking she was in trouble

The child quickly apologized

But the man was not accepting it

She could see it in his eyes

She explained she had been looking in the toy shop

That tomorrow would be christmas day

But the man muttered words she could not understand

So she searched for something else she could say

"do you have any children?" the child asked the man

"no," was his instant reply

And though he said it in his firmest voice

In his heart he knew he had lied

The girl was getting on his nerves

Which were already shot

Something about her bothered him

But he could not say quite what

Then he noticed the time was approaching midnight

What was she doing on the street?

When he asked the girl this question

The child seemed to retreat

She said she was staying with her parents

At the hotel, right next door

They were there for just this one night

In room twelve twenty-four

Then he said, "you best get back there

As quick as you can fly!"

And he watched as she ran all the way

Until she was safely back inside

Then he took several steps

In the direction towards his home

But then he hesitated

And took out his mobile phone

And called up the institution

Where he had left his son

To find out if he was still there and alive

Wondering if the past could be undone

The operator who answered, searched the computer

To see if the child had survived

And she was sincerely happy to tell him

"your son is no longer here, but he is still alive!"

Then the lady who was very kind

Said, "if you have a short while

I can give you all the information

That is here inside his file

I see that at the age of twelve

He had finally learned to walk

And could understand most things people said

But has never learned to talk

He's living uptown in the bronx

At a boarding house hotel"

And then the lady gave him the phone number

And hotel's address as well

And for the first time in many years

The man thought about his life

And all the things he had left behind

And, of course, he thought about his wife

And he wondered if she had lived

The things they might have done

But really most of all right now

He thought about his son


Standing all alone

I bled for you

I wanted to

Each drop my own

Slowly they depart

But fall in vain

Like desert rain

And still they fall on and on and on

Got to get back to a reason

Got to get back to a reason i once knew

And this late in the seasons

One by one distractions fade from view


Drifting through the dark

The sympathy

Of night's mercy

Inside my heart

Is your life the same?

Do ghosts cry tears?

Do they feel years?

As time just goes on and on and on

Got to get back to a reason

Got to get back to a reason i once knew

And this late in the seasons

One by one distractions fade from view

I'm looking for you

I'm looking for i don't know what

I can't see there anymore

And all my time's been taken

Is this what it seems?

The lure of a dream

And i'm afraid to walk back through that door

To find that i've awakened

The night seems to care

The dreams in the air

The snow's coming down

It beckons me dare

It whispers, it hopes

It holds and confides

And offers a bridge

Across these divides

The parts of my life

I've tried to forget

It's gathered each piece

And carefully kept

Somewhere in the dark

Beyond all the cold

There is a child

That's part of my soul

Got to get back to a reason

Got to get back to a reason i once knew

And this late in the seasons

One by one distractions fade from view

The only reason i have left is
