Lyrics Transatlantic


My New World

The place she called home was high on a hill,

Way up in a big house under the trees

Day's in the sun she's seen by the river,

Reading a book, feeding her dreams

Now she's a loner, now she's a stoner, no one can touch her

He was the boy, the pride of his mother,

Stainless and shining, all heaven sent

But then the country calls for a soldier

And he went out to a foreign land

When he returned faces look different,

At the end of innocence nothing's the same

My new world was spinning me around

And that was all that could be

My new world was spinning me around

And nothing's lost on memory

My new world was spinning me around

Hiked up to Woodstock, she got high in Frisco,

Summers of love, that child she was wild

She had the need for total expression,

Painting and poetry filled up her mind

Boy, he took pride in serving his country,

Went off to war no more than a child

My new world was spinning me around

And this is all that I've found

My new world was spinning me around

And time can be my enemy

My new world was spinning me

Now she's a loner, now she's a stoner, no one can touch her

Out in the fields we met in the summer

On a poetic island no past to recall

Breaking like waves we flooded the moment

Laughing at the perfectness of it all

My new world waits patiently

When living is lost in a memory

My new world is ahead of me

But sometimes I'm back where I used to be

Then the fall ran away with our time

Disappointment struck so hard

When he found out there was no

"Lucky stars and stripes"

They set it all on fire!!!

While Jim and Janis got us higher

"She's so freaky, she's so fine"

Soldier, he can't get her off his mind

Down the desert to the sea

Leave the raving 60's all behind

Out of the blue still reaching for something

Feeling the window of time out of mind

Catching a glimpse each one to the other

Always not knowing the spark left behind

Going and going with fictional borders

Passing two feet from the door

My new world keeps spinning me around

And this is all that can be

My new world is ahead of me now

This is all that I've found

My new world keeps spinning me around

My new world keeps spinning me

And time is not my enemy

My new world is ahead of me today

And all things pass away