Lyrics Transplants


Gravestones and Burial Plots

Illuminati dropping bombs are not the ones who rule

Stealing and killing on the government floor

Extra open up and feeding where I go

Nobody gonna bring something at the poor

Corporations don't play fair

Sufferance of the poor

Can't speak to the intimidators

Confusion incriminators

Gravestones and burial plots

Break bones and bury a cop

Fight back and bury the lot

Fight back and bury the law

Take the ways and take control

You make the price and we pay the toll

We get close and we get burn

But no more, it's their turn

Give 'em hell and give 'em some more

Everyone bringing politicians down to the floor

Spill blood and right at the door

And no one's mouth-speak could ever even the score

Cold calculating, war to lead

Speculating, they got a speak

The word is strong when we hit the street

In a humanitarian catastrophe

Dealt to many thing to stop you

They'll point at you and they will stung you

They'll chew you and they won't pray you

Don't let them to fucking play you