Eyes & Nines

Beneath a blackened sky they lay and pray to me

The vengeful spawn of scorn the very brink of sanity

My will - malevolent

My thoughts - perverse

My rule - divine

Comprised of eyes and nines I spew the truth but bring the end of time

Beyond the wall of death a sleeping giant lies

Obliged to arrogance you've brought about your own demise

Under the veil of heaven they've bottled hell

And you'll continue awaiting my arrival until

Their frenzied fists fall in fits of contempt

Their widows weep their kids repent

Still nothing will be left

Heavenly bodies ignite in time

Illuminating earth the very end of human life

Beyond the wall of death a sleeping giant lies

Obliged to arrogance you've brought about your own demise

Under the veil of heaven they've bottled hell

And you'll continue awaiting my arrival until

There's no place for me anymore in the heavens and there's no room in hell

So break free by the skin of the beat of your heart before God tears it out

Sacrament grows from shit and the friar of fungus is crowned with a mushroom cloud

Swarm like the locust

Buzz like an atom bomb