Dead Macrocosm

Foredoomed to choose the most disgusting form of all,

Sacred ablution into the temple of all blinded,

Into broken retorts, ehere lost life huddels low,

Deprived of courage and mortal burden,

Brought on the female shoulders out of obscurity

Out of obscurity

Carnivorous creators of horror are ready for slaughter,

Fallen into the depth of all gaping,

Sliding down into the depth of shaggy combs

Of matriarcal inner matter,

Through the fragments of blood garners cut with spines,

Longing to the taste of ascetic flesh,

This is the legacy of titans stream through the veins,

Panorama of passion battles,

Pathos of heroic spirit tired with struggle,

Anathemic lust besieged with metaphors...

Silent liturgy of empty moralized conscience

Out of dead macrocosm

Blasphemously, fading away... ramped and torn apart flesh,

Night riders of poured moisture,

Delusioned in boundless breath of the dead macrocosm.

Following the leprous ways of the purulent messiah...

Bridled black divinity of erected intellect