Outrage To Fools

The hell inside

in our minds

The key to understand

The wreak of havoc

If you feel contempt

To the slime

The outrage to fools

Enjoy the hellfire club

Profane words

Just stupid lies

In our world

Nothing and everything

Is blasphemy

Wolf amongst the sheeps

Infernal law rules everywhere

But in normal life

You have to be the same

Don't tell me

It is hard to be yourself

If you blame the world

The coward is your name

Profane words

Just stupid lies

In our world

Nothing and everything

Is blasphemy

The truth is, that

The most important is

Your facking life

The first and the last

And nothing's change

The hell inside

In our minds

The every move

Behind your back

The every men

You stay in touch

The part of slime that you can be

Without hellfire club