
Here on the hill

Among wild grass bent by the wind

You stand, staring into the endless space

Where silence announces it's existence

A ritual dance of dawn and dusk

A ritual dance of trees in the rain

And nothing matters more

Than what you feel

And nothing matters more

Than what you are

Harmony of flesh and soul

Harmony of time and space – perfection

You desire unity, with the wind

Standing under the stars

Here on the hill

Where a broken tree's shadows

Slowly measures the time

A chill embraces your face

The wind's touch and the scent of the field

Voices of birds seduce the silence

You understand the language of trees and grass

Harmony of flesh and soul

Harmony of time and space – perfection

[Solo: Mister]

And nothing matters more

Than what you feel

And nothing matters more

Than what you are

You're part of the universe

You're part of dawn and dusk

You want to last forever

Forever in perfection