Lyrics Travis Tritt

Travis Tritt

Bible Belt

Well, he was the assistant preacher

And a Sunday School teacher

In the church that I grew up in.

She was a looker from Atlanta;

Led the choir; played piano;

Had a body that was made for sin.

She didn't care he was married

'Cause the torch that she carried

Was hotter than the fires of Hell.

She had plans to seduce him,

And she knew she would loosen

A notch in the Bible Belt.

So she called him up at home

When she knew he'd be alone,

Said, "Preacher, I could use advice."

"I got troubles with the Man

That I know you'll understand.

If you could help me it would sure be nice."

They met a few minutes after

in the office of the pastor,

and she started telling how she felt.

What a chance they were takin'

when they first started breakin'

the law from the Bible Belt.

There's a lot of good people

who were led astray that believe

what the Good Book said.

Well, I'll tell you something,

Brother, when you're dealin'

With the Devil it's tough to keep a level head.

And, it's hard to imagine

How the flames of passion

Will burn 'til your soul will melt.

And it'll spread like a cancer

'Cause you're gonna have to answer

To the Lord in the Bible Belt.

Someone said they went to Vegas.

Back home it didn't take us

Long to hear the news of what they did.

I just can't believe

That he left his wife to grieve

Alone with two pre-school kids.

I don't know how they're doin',

But I know that they're screwin'

Up a good thing they once had.

They better get their heads together

Or they're gonna slap leather

With the Lord in the Bible Belt.

There's a lot of good people

Who were led astray that believe

What the Good Book said.

Well, I'll tell you something,

Brother, when you're dealin'

With the Devil it's tough to keep a level head.

And, it's hard to imagine

How the flames of passion

Will burn 'til your soul will melt.

And it'll spread like a cancer

'Cause you're gonna have to answer

To the Lord in the Bible Belt.

They better get their heads together

or they're gonna slap leather

with the Lord in the Bible Belt.

Amen, brother.