Lyrics Treble Charger

Treble Charger

The Downward Dance

Everybody gather round

Come and listen to me

You wanna know what I know

You wanna see what I see

Pay you money and you take your chance

When you decide to do the Daownward Dance

Never even given half a glance

Try one more time

Something happens all the time

You're gonna like it's a scene

Wouldn't miss it for the world

If you know what i mean

Pay your money and you take your chance

When you decide to do the Downward Dance

Know you'll be a slave to circumstance

When you go into the Downward Dance

Never even given half a glance

Try it one more time

I'll make it right

Now the lights are down

And darkness surrounds

So you can't see me

Pay your money and you take your chance

When you decide to do the Downward Dance

Know you'll be a slave to circumstance

When you go into the Downward Dance

Never even given half a glance