Lyrics Trembling Blue Stars

Trembling Blue Stars

If I Handle You With Care

I won't bring things up, if upon them you don't touch.

If that's what you want, it's whatever you want.

I couldn't be more clear, how day or night I'm here.

So we'll leave it there, we'll leave it there.

Just never stop singing your song

I hadn't heard it in so long.

And if I handle you with care

It doesn't mean I don't think you are strong.

You say don't worry, but how can I not?

When once you were everything, and then some more.

I can't promise not to worry, only not to scratch beneath

The skin that is so thin, when it comes to me.

Just don't forget it's everything

That you're not like everyone

And never stop your singing.

You're as good as people come.

Whatever we have seen, it's just you and me, I haven't gone.

You're right to believe, I'll always keep you safe from harm.

I'll always keep you safe from harm.

I won't bring things up, if upon them you don't touch.

If that's what you want, it's whatever you want.