When There's Nothing Left To Lose

She's tried so hard to fit the mold

To embrace the image she's been sold

She'll binge and purge to fill her soul but she's wasting away

He thinks the cure for his frustration lies

In the battering of what he despises

The children face his ruthless eyes

They'll grow up blind with tears of rage

In agony eternally but are we practicing our hunger well?

Cowering in corners

Can we find freedom beneath the blows?

Crawling like roaches awaiting mercy from the merciless

Decimated alienated with nothing left to lose

Left to die alone he fights disgrace

Not immune even to the fear he'll face

As he comes to know that he's been condemned

By those who profit from his pain

Her golden years have rusted through

And now there's nothing left for her to do

But to demand the respect she longed for in her youth

And hope that when her time comes

She will not have died in vain

Are the poisons we endorse worth more then our flesh?

Is the only peace we'll know awaiting us in death?

I've reached the limit there is nothing left to lose

Yet a choice still remains a choice still remains to survive

I claim this life

I claim this hope

I claim these horrors for my own

I claim it all