
Tricky & Costanza:

I’m antimatter

I don’t matter

Cancer phones

Break my bones

I’m illusion

Sonic solution

Magic mind

Sonic pollution

I just detox

I just see lots

I see nothing

Show me something

We go round and round

We make it safe and sound

I try to break it down



I have visions


Fast I’ve grown

I think alone

I’m confusion


I’m in man cub


I move forward

I make awkward

I just jump jump

I just thump thump

We go round and round

We make it safe and sound

I try to break it down



I evolve

Then dissolve

Maintain my laws

‘til April falls

My sea runs red

My trees are dead

My breath runs short

Please report

Is there someone out there

Is there someone out there

Do you receive me

Do you receive me

We go round and round

We make it safe and sound

I try to break it down

