
Foolish was I to have believed you

Insufferable acts did I endure

I never betrayed, never deceived you

Was always behaved, ever demure

So long to all the poetry of emotion

It’s crumpled up and strewn upon the floor

So long to all the sunflowers in my garden

For they’ll not taste the raindrops anymore

Betrayed by your whispered lullabies and empty cries

The lake damming up all my solemn pride has left me dry

Forsake all of the thousand counterfeit sighs

You fake it

You make it that I was mistaken

Sanctity fled beyond retrieval

The church of my heart was not enough

I cannot believe you’d be so evil

Devotion besieged and left to rust

So long to all the harmony of emotion

She left before we could settle up the score

So long to all the violets in my garden

For they’ll not see the sunlight anymore

Betrayed by your whispered lullabies and empty cries

The lake damming up all my solemn pride has left me dry

Forsake all of the thousand counterfeit sighs

You fake it

You make it that I was mistaken

Too many signs ignored

Beneath the rose are always thorns

And Sleeping Beauty never will awaken

Now wasted time and fairytales are all I see within your name

And every way I ever was mistaken