Utter Descension

Elusive in the deepest acts of taking

Conducive to the horrid act of breaking

Bending the laws to your every whim

I cannot win...

Productive in the fakest indignation

Seductive in the foulest fornication

Sending the cause into torrid sin

I cannot win...

But why would I give in to give up?

Run to put it out

Extinguish this world on fire

Once we’re going down

We’ll all languish in the mire

Can we put it out?

We’ve all grown so very tired

We’re too late

Heart rate is critical

Recessive in a sea of domination

Depressive by the means of resignation

Lending the awes to the fires within

I cannot win...

Elective is the course of action’s sermon

Selective is the process to determine

Tending with gauze all the wounds of the din

I cannot win...

So why should I give in to give up?

Run to put it out

Extinguish this world on fire

Once we’re going down

We’ll all languish in the mire

Can we put it out?

We’ve all grown so very tired

We’re too late

Heart rate is critical

We’re falling down into utter descension

We spiral round into utter descension

Hope goes to ground, into utter descension

We’re falling down...